Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Give him An Inch

Thought i would share a parable told by a Haitian pastor found in the book "Finishing Strong" by Steve Farrar.

"A certain man wanted to sell his house for two thousand dollars.  Another man wanted to buy it very badly, but he was a poor man and didn't have the full price.  After much bargaining, the owner agreed to sell the house to the man for one thousand dollars.  But the reduced price came with a stipulation.  The owner would sell the house, but he would keep ownership of a large nail protruding from over the front door.
   Several years later, the original owner decided he wanted to buy the house back.  Understandably, the new owner was unwilling to sell.  As a result, the original owner went out, found the carcass of a dead dog in the street, and hung it from the nail he still owned.  Soon the house became unlivable, and the family was forced to sell to the owner of the nail.
   The Haitian pastor concluded the story: 'if we leave the devil with even one small peg in our life, he will return to hang his rotting garbage on it.'
   You may own the entire home, but if you give the enemy access to just one nail in your life, it definitely puts you in high risk."

Some powerful thoughts about what happens when you... [title]

Friday, March 4, 2011

No Milk... No Sweat

Two months of marriage has taught me what 25 years of life failed to teach me. For much of my life I have looked back on my past. Many of the mistakes I made and those others made that affected my life. I looked back and questioned, I looked back and regretted, I looked back wishing for a redo. A do-over regarding school tests, life threats, and plain old mess! I used to constantly play the reel over and over hoping it would change, analyzing my mistakes, but last night after another one of marriages lessons I realized "the milk is spilled". Whether I woulda left it on the table, on the floor, in the carton, in the bedroom, in a bowl, on the couch, in the sink, in a drawer, in the fridge, on the porch, or in any other of a million places I could have put it, and things I could have done to prevent it from spilling, IT REMAINS SPILLED! And, there is nothing I can do now to keep it from soaking into the carpet of my life. So what do I do? I do what any man who has learned to be content no matter the circumstance... "By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning (me) onward- to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." (Phillipians 3:13-14 message). In life, things happen. A lot of things. But us analyzing them and questioning them and replying them over in our minds will not help us move forward. The whos, whats, & whys are irrelevant at this point. I know the situation is "complicated", but I also know that you crying about spilled milk or trying to figure it out ISN'T GOING TO CLEAN THE CARPET. So what do you do? You move forward. You focus on your goals and u press ahead without turning back. I will also say that a relationship w Jesus makes it SO MUCH EASIER! Let Him teach you the HOW. Having said all this I will conclude w my marriage lesson. Two months of marriage taught me what 25 years of life had failed to teach me... [ TITLE ]
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